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Code of Conduct

English School Fahaheel Code of Conduct


Biannually or following changes in guidance from the Ministry of Education


December 2022


December 2024

Policy statement:

The aspiration of the school is to ensure that the individuality of each child is respected and that individual differences are celebrated, acknowledging the right of each child to an environment in which they can safely learn and grow. The entire school community has a part to play in contributing to this environment. The strength of this community, together with a high level of cooperation between staff, parents/guardians and children, will ensure a high standard of behaviour.

 The following code of conduct is utilised to enable this approach to be successful. It also underpins the mission statement.

Working in partnership with the school community, we enable students to realise their full potential.

Students are supported to develop into independent and resilient individuals who are equipped with 21st century skills to contribute to the global society.

Policy aims:

The aims of this policy are to:


  • Ensure the safety and well-being of all members of the school community
  • Allow the school to function in an orderly way where all children can make progress in all aspects of their development
  • Assist staff members, parents, guardians and students in understanding the policies, systems and procedures that form part of the Code of Conduct and to ensure their co-operation in the application of these policies and procedures
  • Ensure that the system of rules, rewards and sanctions are implemented in a fair and consistent manner throughout the school.
  • Ensure an educational environment that is guided by our ESF Mission statement
  • Create an atmosphere of respect, acceptance, open-mindedness and consideration for others
  • Promote positive behaviour and self-discipline, recognising the differences between children and the need to accommodate and accept these differences

Code of conduct policy circulation

The Code of conduct for students, teachers and parents is widely circulated at the start of each year. Parents sign the agreement and keep one copy for themselves in the student planner and the other is retained by the pupil’s teacher. This “Home School Agreement” can be found in the appendix of this policy.

Frameworks of conduct/standards

Being a British international school delivering the British Curriculum, ensuring that the code of conduct and expected standards are made clear is important. In addition to the expectations outlined in the home school agreement, teachers at ESF are expected to be cognisant with the DfE’s Teachers’ Standards (see appendix) and to conduct themselves in the manner outlined within this framework. This is outlined to all new teaching staff of the school during their induction.

This policy statement should be read alongside the following related policies/guidance

  • Anti-bullying policy
  • Attendance policy
  • Safeguarding and Child Protection policy
  • E-safety policy including AUP
  • ESF Staff Handbook
  • Whistleblowing policy
  • Appraisal policy
  • Performance Management policy
  • Peer-on peer abuse

Appendix I

Home School Agreement

ESF is a partnership with staff, parents and pupils.

The School will ensure the safety, happiness and partnership of all by:

  • Encouraging children to do their best work at all times and to be responsible for their learning, as well as being responsible for their own belongings.
  • Encouraging children to take care of their surroundings and others around them.
  • Providing a safe, well ordered and caring environment ensuing equal opportunities for all.
  • Valuing each pupil as an individual.
  • Encouraging pupils to develop spiritually and morally and take increasing responsibility for their own attitude and behaviour.
  • Maintaining effective communication between parents and school; providing regular information about academic and social progress.
  • Supporting each child’s learning to help them reach their full potential regardless of ability.

The parents should aim to:

  • Provide a safe, caring home environment which allows pupils to develop positive attitudes towards school.
  • Encourage the development of spoken and written English.
  • Ensure good attendance, avoiding holidays during term time whenever possible and provide a note of explanation after absence.
  • Ensure good punctuality, making sure pupils are on time for parade.
  • Have read the school prospectus and support the school ethos and policies with regard to uniform, discipline, detention, homework, checking and signing homework diaries each week.
  • Promote effective progress by encouraging home study behaviour and social issues.
  • Communicate early to the School any matters which relate to pupil progress, behaviour or happiness.